Conferences and Teaching Courses

Webinar Presenter for Series on Geoenvironmental Engineering, Sustainability, and Resiliency coordinated by Dr. Krishna Reddy.  Presented lecture on "Selection of Long-Term Shear Strength Parameters for Strain Softening Geosynthetic Interfaces".  Jan 30, 2025.

Webinar Presenter for “Interface Friction/Direct Shear Testing and Slope Stability” course hosted by TRI Environmental Sept 10-11, 2024.

Presenter at CETCO GCLU in Irvine, CA on “Consideration of the Effects of Progressive Failure on the Selection of Shear Strength for Landfill Liner System Stability”, Dec 13, 2023.

Instructor for 2-day course on Containment System Design and Construction hosted by TRI Environmental GeoU series, Austin, TX, Nov 2023.

Keynote Speaker to present the Inaugural Kerry Rowe Lecture at the 13th International Geosynthetics Conference Sept 17-21 in Rome, Italy, entitled “Selection of long-term shear strength parameters for geosynthetic interfaces”

Engaged by the California State Water Resources Control Board in 2015 for 2-year contract to develop training course curriculum and to provide Geosynthetic Liner and Cover Design training services to Water Board staff.  Contract renewed for additional 2 years in 2019-20.

Lead speaker for 2-day workshop in Syracuse, NY hosted by NY-DEP and IFAI on the subject of landfill liner and cover design, July 16-17, 2019.

Webinar Presenter, Jan 30 2018, 1.5-hour nationally-available webinar on the subject of “Design of Geomembrane Lined Ponds” for NAGS.

Instructor, 2017, one-day course at IFAI “Geosynthetics 2017” Conference in March, 2017, Orlando, FL.  Course subject: Design of Waste Containment Liner and Final Closure Systems.

Instructor, 2015, one-day course at IFAI “Geosynthetics 2015” Conference in February 15, 2015, Portland, Oregon.  Course subject: Design of Waste Containment Liner and Final Closure Systems.

Instructor, 2014, two-day course on landfill liner and cover system design, taught in conjunction with TRI Laboratories, in Sao Paulo, Brazil, May 28-29.

Instructor, 2013, one-day course at IFAI “Geosynthetics 2013” Conference in April 2013, Long Beach, California.  Course subject: Design of Waste Containment Systems.

Instructor, 2001 to 2012, for ASCE two-day Short Course on Design of Waste Containment Liner and Final Closure Systems presented 2-4 times per year at major cities across the nation.

Instructor, 2012, half-day course at Geoamericas Conference in Lima, Peru (on behalf of CETCO) May 2012; also member of GM Seam discussion lead by Ian Peggs.

Instructor, 2011, half-day course for the Landfill Interest Group in South Africa, October 2011, Durban, South Africa.  Course subject: Slope Stability of Lined Containment Systems.

Instructor, 2011, one-day course at IFAI/ASCE “Geofrontiers” Conference in March 2011, Dallas, TX.  Course subject: Design of Waste Containment Systems.

Instructor, 2010, one-day course at 9th International Conference on Geosynthetics in May 2010, Guaruja, Brazil.  Course subject: Geosynthetics in Mining.

Instructor, 2010, half-day course at 9th International Conference on Geosynthetics in May 2010, Guaruja, Brazil.  Course subject: Slope Stability of Lined Containment Systems.

Instructor, 2009, half-day course at IFAI Geo ’09 Conference in Salt Lake City, February 2009.

Instructor, 2008, one-day course at IFAI Geoamericas Conference in Cancun, March 2008.

Instructor, 2008, one-day course at IFAI Geosynthetics Conference in January 2008, Washington, DC.  Course subject: Design of Waste Containment Systems.

Instructor, March 2006, one-day course at University of Nevada-Reno on Design of Waste Containment Systems.

Instructor, 2004, one-day course at Boise State University (0.8 CEUs) on Design of Waste Containment Systems.

Instructor, GSE Seminar Geosynthetics for Advanced Solutions, Seattle, October 2000

Instructor, GSE in-house training seminar, Spearfish, Wyoming, May 1999

Instructor, IFAI short course on Design of Liner Systems, Geo ’03, February 2003, Atlanta.

Instructor, CETCO GCL University, presented December 2003 for CETCO in-house training in Chicago; June 2004, Madison; November 2004, Sacramento; May 2006, Atlanta; May 2010, Phoenix (for DEQ); January 2011, Reno; April 2012, Washington DC, August 2012, Costa Mesa California.

Instructor, TENAX drainage course, Concord, California, November 2003; Irvine, December 2003.

Chairman for “Geosynthetics 2019” held in Houston, TX, Feb 11-13, 2019.

Chairman for “Geosynthetics 2001” held in Portland, Oregon, February 2001.

Chairman for “Geosynthetics ’99” held in Boston, Massachusetts, April 1999.

On the technical organizing committees for “Geo ’07” held in Washington DC, January 2007 and “Geoamericas ’08” held in Cancun, March 2008.

Technical Co-Chairman for “Geosynthetics ’97” held in Long Beach, California, March 1997.